AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 - AU6983 And More Download Pc
Alcor: The company that has the original patent in the field of cryogenics and is a global leader in cryopreservation solutions, for decades. Now we have our new model AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 - AU6983 and more download pc.Alcor: The company that has the original patent in the field of cryogenics and is a global leader in cryopreservation solutions, for decades. On July 18th, 2018 AlcorMpex released its new model AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 -AU6983 and more download pc.
The AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 - AU6983 and more download pc is the new advanced model in this company's product line. With its advanced technology, it represents the state of the art for this scope in the market. It offers accurate temperature control along with faster cooling times. The unit incorporates all of the latest advances in cryogenic solutions technology, including direct expansion combined with large surface area heat exchangers to achieve quick cooling rates. The new AlcorMP comes with a burst temperature of -130ºC and is touch screen control. It features low maintenance procedures that facilitate its long term operation. The company that has the original patent in the field of cryogenics and is a global leader in cryopreservation solutions, for decades. On July 18th, 2018 AlcorMpex released its new model AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 -AU6983 and more download pc.AlcorMpex is a joint venture between four Italian companies: Alcor SRL (headquarters in Oste), San Lorenzo Ltd (headquarters in Dicomano) and TecniHospitals Ltd (headquarters in Molfetta). Also a member is the company Tecnoutrino Srl, a small factory in San Giorgio a Liri. The group has been active in the cryopreservation sector since 1989.The AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 - AU6983 and more download pc is the new advanced model in this company's product line. With its advanced technology, it represents the state of the art for this scope in the market. It offers accurate temperature control along with faster cooling times. The unit incorporates all of the latest advances in cryogenic solutions technology, including direct expansion combined with large surface area heat exchangers to achieve quick cooling rates. The new AlcorMP comes with a burst temperature of -130ºC and is touch screen control. It features low maintenance procedures that facilitate its long term operation. The AlcorMP AU6981 - AU6982 - AU6983 and more download pc is built with the most advanced technology in the world of cryogenics, so it gives greater flexibility for simultaneous cooling applications. AlcorMP uses direct expansion for quick cooling rates, combined with heat exchangers to provide maximum heat transfer efficiency. This unique solution allows for very fast cool-down procedures, allowing the unit to work on multiple clients simultaneously. Its compact design, ease of maintenance and configuration flexibility make it an ideal solution for clinical departments of various sizes.
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